join the community
Step One: Get the Good stuff!
Each week Nick and I send out some encouragement and reminders on how to keep things focused and simple. We like to stay connected and share real-life tips on how to keep adjusting your life to reflect Jesus even more. We know first-hand how easy it is to overcomplicate things and we want to be a source of calm. A place to gather some fresh air and fresh perspective. We don’t like spam either. We promise not to abuse this gift of your email address.
PS. Heads up, we don’t want our emails to be white-noise in your inbox. You already have plenty of that. To show you how much we value your part in this community, we have an added bonus. We send spontaneous discount codes, Starbucks credit, and book recommendations that you’ve got to add to your library.
Step Two: Jumpstart your Love Fast Live Slow Mindset!
Here are a few of our most popular blogs that could help you get started on simplifying a life lived for Jesus.
Love Fast Family Challenge: Download Checklist
Step Three: Grab the Book!
Love Fast Live Slow is coming in hot. Whatever that means. We are mid-thirties and far beyond the cool-age to be able to say stuff like that. Let’s try that again.
If you haven’t grabbed a copy yet, do so (for you and/or a friend, neighbor, mailman, favorite sister, etc). They say it takes a village to raise a child right. You are our village and LFLS in our message to share with the world. Order today and tag us on social @lovefastliveslow and #lovefastliveslow.
Adopt this LFLS mindset and allow it to generate peace in your life.
It starts with you. Are you in?